Instruction Cinema4D project 

Check render settings, active camera, all textures and other objects.

Select output format from dropdown Format. We support image formats only. Make sure that output template name (field Name) equals Name0000.TIF.

1- Check render settings, active camera, all textures and other objects.
2- Select output format from dropdown Format. We support image formats only. Make sure that output template name (field Name) equals Name0000.TIF.

3- Please make sure that Frame Rate in Render Settings tab is identical with FPS in Project Settings tab. If these rates are not identical, then the system will render not the frame you have chosen, but a different frame with smaller or bigger number.

4- If you are using Global Illumination, turn off option Global Illumination → Cache Files → Auto Save

5- Please make sure that render farm has the right plugins for the scene.

6- After checking settings, the scene has to be saved properly. If all the textures are in the job/project folder, you can choose the menu item File → Save (or Save As). Only English keyboard symbols and numbers are allowed for project files and textures.

7- If the textures are not in the job/project folder, there is another way of saving: File → Save Project with Assets, where you should specify the path for "assembly" of a new project. If a texture or a file cannot be found during saving, Cinema 4D will provide a warning.

8- If the Project saved correctly, please check that all the textures were found and there are no warnings in Texture Manager.

9- If all the textures were gathred correctly, you will see the green check mark at the corresponding field at the Texture Manager.

10- If the project has been saved successfully, you need to open the folder where you saved the project and add the project to a ZIP archive.

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